Tuesday 6 September 2011

vict_ab@hotmail.com julietakumi111@gmail.com = Scam


I am glad to write to you, I hope everything is well with you?

I made up my mind to contact you because of my present situation here in the refugee camp, and I pray that God will touch your heart and give you the grace to help me

My name is Miss Victoria Jackson Abasi Saitoti, I am a 24 years old girl, I was in my second year in the university health science before the problem in the country started, I am from Nairobi in Kenya, but I am now residing in a refugee camp in Burkina Faso

my father of blessed memory by name late Mr. Jackson Abasi Saitoti who was the section manager with Dalbit Petroleum at Nairobi, Kenya, my beloved father was burnt alive along side with my beloved mother and our family house burnt down by the rebels during the last crisis in my country

You can read more about the incident through the below site:


after the burial of my parents, my step mother seized everything my father had and sent me out of my family house, and she claimed everything my late father own because she is childless, so she send people to kill me because she is afraid that I might try to revenge all the wickedness she did to me, but when the killers saw me, they hard pity on me and told me that they where sent by my step mother to kill me, so they asked me to live our country Kenya immediately if I want to live

briefly i will like to disclose little more about myself to you and see if you can help me to relocate to your country so as to continue with my studies and have a new life, and please this is a little secrete and i plead with you to keep it to yourself alone until everything is properly arranged and executed, then i will come over to join you in your country

i have the sum of $3.8 Million as an inheritance from my late father which i will like to invest in your country with your help, i need your help because my late father instructed the bank to release the fund to me at the age of 24 through a foreigner who can help me to invest the fund wisely, and it has been my father's desire for me to live in a foreign country, so the bank will not release the fund to me without the help of a foreigner as my father instructed the bank

this fund is deposited in my late father's bank account with one of the banks here in Burkina-Faso and i am going to give you all the details / contact because i want the money to be transferred to your account before i come over to join you in your country,

i need your urgent answer of your ability to handle this for me so that i will tell you the next step because i want to leave this refugee camp as soon as possible, the situation of this place is very difficult, more importantly, i love my studies and people here are not friendly, i am really suffering in this place, it is too painful, but i hope with your help to transferring the fund in your account, i will have a better life to live

so kindly let me know your readiness to help me and i promise to always be nice and faithful to you, I will be glad to compensate you with 25% of the total fund for helping me, and you can also help me to invest the fund while I continue my studies because I want to be a doctor, it is my desire to contribute positively to humanity

i will send you my photo and i hope to have yours and your phone number so that we can talk through phone and i will also like to hear your voice

thank you and God bless you

sincerely yours,


Jsem rád, ?e psát, doufám, ?e v?e je dob?e?

Jsem se do mé mysli, aby vás kontaktovali kv?li své sou?asné situace tady v uprchlickém tábo?e, a modlím se, ?e B?h se dotkne va?eho srdce a dá vám slu?nosti, aby mi pomohl

Mé jméno je Miss Victoria Jackson Abasi Saitoti, jsem 24 let d?v?e, byl jsem ve svém druhém roce v oblasti v?dy zdravotnictví Univerzity p?ed problémem v zemi za?ala, jsem z Nairobi v Keni, ale nyní jsem s bydli?t?m v uprchlickém tábo?e v Burkina Faso

M?j otec blahé pam?ti podle jména konci pan Jackson Abasi Saitoti, který byl vedoucí sekce s Dalbit ropy v Nairobi v Keni, byl m?j milovaný otec spálen ?ivý po boku se svou milovanou matkou a ná? rodinný d?m vypálili povstalci v posledních Krize v mé zemi

M??ete si p?e?íst více o mimo?ádnou událost prost?ednictvím ní?e stránce:


po poh?bu mých rodi??, moje macecha chytil v?echno, co m?l m?j otec, a poslal m? z mého rodinného domu, a ona tvrdila, v?e M?j zesnulý otec vlastní proto, ?e je bezd?tný, a tak se posílat lidi, aby m? zabil, proto?e se bojí, ?e jsem by se mohli pokusit pomstít v?ecko zlé, kdy? se na m?, ale kdy? m? vid?l zabijáky, ale tvrdá ?koda na m? a ?ekl mi, ?e pokud poslal moje macecha m? zabít, tak m? po?ádal, abych ?ít na?e zem? Ke?a okam?it? Chci ?ít

Krátce bych se cht?l sd?lit n?co více o sob? pro vás a uvidíme, jestli mi m??e pomoci p?esídlit do zem?, s cílem pokra?ovat ve studiu a nový ?ivot, a prosím, to je trochu vylu?ují a budu souditi s vámi, aby si to pro sebe sama, a? je v?e ?ádn? sjednanou a vyhotovenou, pak jsem se p?ijít, aby s vámi ve va?í zemi

Mám ?ástku ve vý?i 3,8 milionu jako d?dictví od svého zesnulého otce, který mi bude líbit investovat ve své zemi s va?í pomocí, pot?ebuji va?i pomoc, proto?e m?j zesnulý otec pokyn bance, aby se uvolnil fondu pro m? ve v?ku 24 a? cizinec, který mi m??e pomoci investovat fondu moud?e, a to byl m?j otec touha po m? ?ít v cizí zemi, tak bude banka neuvolní fondu pro m? bez pomoci cizince jako m?j otec pokyn bance

Tento fond je ulo?en v mé zesnulého otce na bankovní ú?et u jedné z bank zde v Burkina Faso a budu vám v?echny detaily / kontakt, proto?e chci, aby peníze, které mají být p?evedeny na Vá? ú?et, ne? jsem p?ijel do vámi ve va?í zemi,

Pot?ebuji va?i naléhavou odpov?? na svou schopnost zvládnout to pro m?, abych vám ?ekne, je dal?ím krokem, proto?e chci opustit tento uprchlického tábora co nejd?íve, je situace v tomto míst? je velmi obtí?né, co? je d?le?it?j?í, mám ráda své Studie a lidé jsou zde není p?átelský, mám opravdu utrpení na tomto míst?, je to p?íli? bolestivé, ale doufám, ?e s Va?í pomocí k p?enosu fondu na svém ú?tu, budu mít lep?í ?ivot ?ít

tak laskav? dejte mi v?d?t va?e p?ipravenost, aby mi pomohl, a slibuji, ?e v?dy je hezké, a v?rná, budu rád vám zaplatit 25% z celkového fondu za pomoc, a také m??ete mi pomoci investovat fondu kdy? jsem pokra?ovat ve svém studiu, proto?e jsem cht?l být léka?em, je mým p?áním, aby pozitivn? p?ispívat k lidstvu

Po?lu vám foto a doufám, ?e vy a va?e telefonní ?íslo, abychom mohli mluvit p?es telefon a já se také ráda sly?ela vá? hlas

D?kuji vám a B?h vám ?ehnej

S pozdravem,

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