Monday 19 December 2011

Kris Lamans at Pearl Records Christmas Party Red Carpet Arrivals

Kris Lamans at Pearl Records Christmas Party Red Carpet Arrivals at CAPS (Complete Actor's Place) in Sherman Oaks, Ca

1 comment:

  1. This guy entered into a contract. We delivered financing and He NEVER took the deal because He wasn't the Principal and Lost Control of his people. We Put 100's of hours into His File AND it was all for not. Then, He asked for the Lender's BPO - Appraisal Fee Back (after the fact) and After bringing Two (2) Valid Financing Offers to the table which would have helped him achieve his initial goal.

    Complete WASTE OF TIME and BS artist only looking to take advantage of people. Has no regard for mutual respect and business to business cooperation. Then, He tries to extort money out of the Lender after they offered TWO (2) LOANS that HIS PEOPLE turned down.

    NY Lender
    & Angry Broker
