Monday, 23 July 2012 +601-642-752-48 = Scam

United Nations has deposited the sum of $10,500,000.00 USD to western union, to be shared among you and other 7 email users. You are entitled to $1,500,000.00 USD in the on-going united nations poverty alleviation program. Do send your Name,Address & Phone Number to the western union payment center via email ( ) to apply for your payment,oR Dial +601-642-752-48 for more details yours Franca Lee

1 comment:

  1. Somehow this scam/spam originator was able to access my e-mail account last sunday and sent out hundreds of copies of this exact message. The e-mail account used, which I have had for more years than I care to remember, was suspended by my ISP as a result. I was able to get the account reactivated, with new passwords, security, and vigilance in place, but was damned inconvenient. Still trying to determine how access was gained,
