Tuesday, 27 September 2011

VODAFONE COMPANY INC. E-mail: sms-lottery@vodafone-inc.com Tel: +447011133562 = Scam

Ref Num: (VNP 977)

Congratulations to you as we bring to your notice that Vodafone company has chosen you by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of this year promotion cash Grant/Donation to celebrate the 150th anniversary celebration and your email address have emerged a Grant of {£850,000.00 USD} Eight hundred and fifty thousand Great Britain pounds.
Please fill out below information and indicate how you want your funds sent to you: Either the service of the BANK or COURIER DELIVERY.

1. Full Name:....... 2. Address:........ 3.Nationality:......... 4.
Age:.......... 5. Sex:.......... 6. Occupation..........
7. Phone/Fax:......... 8.Present Country:...........

Contact Agent:
Mr. Allan Miller
E-mail: sms-lottery@vodafone-inc.com
Tel: +447011133562


  1. hmmm, it seems they have changed their game. Now it is a grant worth $850,000 and the contact name is Mr. Glen Hood. email glenhood@blumail.org. send name address age occupation phone#. but the person who sent is was Mary Wilton.

  2. I also got this same email that says: Grant Donation worth $850,000.00 USD has been awarded in your favor,Please Contact Mr. Glen Hood (glehovod@blumail.org) With the following,Full Name: Delivery Address: Age: Occupation: Phone Number: Regards,Mary Wilton

    I never believe anything like this I get in my email unless I know I signed up for some prize drawing some place.
